Yin Yang- balance

The age old Yin-Yang symbol of balance can be applied to life in so many ways. One of the ways that truly resonates with me is this.

Yin is the feminine energy of receiving, being and accepting as it all unfolds. What if we used the Yin energy to approach all things external- other humans, life situations, material objects as they come and go into our life story. What if we accepted all that came, as it came and received it all with love and kindness, and let it go gently as it needs to go.

Then turned to Yang energy as we discover the inner depths of our spiritual self. With the great energy behind action, creation, passion, and giving we allowed ourselves to change, grow, create and manifest all that we wish in all joyousness for our life to reflect.

The beautiful balance of allowing/receiving and growing/creating all folded into one beautiful human being.