Who am I? What did I come here to do?

Most humans start off with a different question- “why is this happening to me!” accompanied by frustration and screaming that may involve fist banging. Majority of people stay in this realm- they believe all THIS (usually awful stuff) is happening to THEM. They quote things like “Murphy’s law” etc., and remain in a state of helplessness and victimhood to whatever larger power is doing this to them.

All responsibility is put on this unknown, untouchable larger power outside.

Eventually, some people will stop and start to look deeper for their true selves and ask. “Who am I?”

This question may be answered simply and superficially; I am a man/woman named x; age x, these are my relationships; this is my sexual preference, this is my job title; these are the material objects I own, etc. etc. Many stop at these answers and loop back to feeling like victims, going back to “why is this happening to me?”.

When the search continues deeper within, new and beautiful answers emerge and the journey becomes interesting and never-ending.

We realize that we are in fact spiritual beings having a human experience.

“What did I come here to do?”

We have incarnated into this human form to remain present to our current human experiences. To examine how they are making us feel inside. To examine how we respond to these feelings. To observe which thoughts are emerging from those feelings and what they are telling us about the situation and persons involved. What they are telling us about ourselves.

The process of self-actualization begins when we become aware that everything and everyone (especially the frustrating, irritating things and people) is interconnected and part of the One Source, and were put here in our life so we may awaken and live into our purpose (Nothing is happening to us, its happening around us).

Our one purpose is to learn and grow spiritually; and the way to do this is to grow gratitude, love, kindness, acceptance, beauty, passion, joy, abundance, care toward ourselves and everyone else in our lives and beyond, no matter the situation or their behavior.

In asking myself first thing every morning “who am I? and what did I come here to do?”, the answers I hear are divine- I am enough, I am complete, I belong, I am valuable, I am free, I am love and loved, I am kind, I am beautiful, I am energetic, I am a healer, I am caring and generous, I am gentle, I am powerful, I am independent, I am the Source of all and everything.

This sets my compass to make that one degree turn toward my personal North Star. That’s where Life comes to me and says “Hi my love, c’mon lets create beauty together”.

Thoughts, comments?