What do you subscribe to?

When we want to learn something new or know more about a topic, we subscribe to material that helps us learn about the subject and eventually influences our inner narrative.

When picking the subscriptions, and there are many, we have to be mindful that we subscribe to material that helps us achieve our goal rather than distract from it.

When we subscribe to the voice of inner Ego (we have generations of experience with this), we give into resisting everything that appears misaliged with ego-conditioning and we suffer.

If we are looking to have a free, peaceful, joyous, happy life, we must drop suffering, we must drop ego and subscribe to the material provided by inner mentor/God/Life- whatever you may want to call it.

This subscription will be aligned with the goal/outcome of the life we want to live. One that is free from suffering and joyous in all that comes our way.