Welcome in the new curriculum

The term “school of life” is an old one.

What if all the external situations, people, material objects and even our physical body were all part of the learning curriculum.

What if we simple allow these to show up, let the new curriculum appear as it does, and sit back and learn from it, grow our spirit.

I remember in elementary school in India, I used to cover my new text books for the next grade in brown paper prior to school start, to keep them looking new and to allow them to withstand the wear and tear during the school year. I remember being so immensely excited for the day when I opened them in class for the first time. It was the potential of learning something new, something I had never learnt before, and the fear of not knowing, understanding and it being too big, too much for me.

What if we approached every new situation, person, object, physical ailment in the same way, with excitement to learn from it, to grow from the learning, no matter how big it seems, how impossible it all appears in its entirety.

Life, is the ever present teacher with whom we can discuss, get clarity from, learn from, and jog ideas and theories by. This is the most trustworthy and constant ally we have.

So I urge you, examine the curriculum you have now, no matter how daunting it looks, looks to Life to help, and guide you through the learning and growing.