We are the Eclipsed Sun

The word “growth” has become a buzz word today. Many of us are caught in the idea that we are lost and need to find ourselves, or that we are in a state of immaturity and need to “grow” to be better, bigger, more.

While the intention behind all of this is great, we can easily become trapped in subtle ego judgement and criticism. Still carrying the invisible yard stick to measure ourselves and others with each other. In this place, self-hate and the inner-critic quietly rule, and the mind with its conditioning rules our so called “growth”.

In reality, all the growing we are doing, all the learning; all these blog posts that I write, or self help books that anyone writes only serve one purpose, that is to honestly know our human self better. If another human wants to use some of this material and grow in parallel, it really is their choice always. Nothing, I do, say, write, or teach will cause another human to grow. That honest intention to grow and know themselves comes from within.

In fact everything that we aspire to be already exists right here. All we are doing in this growth process is removing the barriers, the stories, the conditioning that we have amassed over the years, and seeing ourselves for who we truly are. So growth is the process of removal, unlearning, and unmasking. Less is more.

Each of us is an eclipsed sun, covered by years and years of ego based cultural conditioning, other people’s opinions and lies we used to draw inaccurate conclusions about ourselves. Lies that our mind finds facts to validate. Once we start to cancel the mind programs and see beyond the eclipse, we see the energetic power of our true selves. The beauty of this power is that it is so humble, you simple shine and never need any validation for its true intensity.

As Dr. David Hawkins aptly puts in his book, Healing and Recovery; “We are infinite beings who are subject only to what we hold in mind. We have the power of canceling the belief systems. We have the power to refuse to buy into the negativity of the collective belief systems and to say “no” to them. When we re-own and stop denying the power of our own mind, we begin to realize that we are the source of either health or illness.”