Turn away from the mass hysteria

These days our world has turned into a distraction fiasco, causing mass hysteria to proliferate and weigh in on what to believe, judgement is being offered from every direction on what to buy, where to live, what to drive, right versus wrong, good versus bad.

If you listen to social media or even many news outlets, they are spreading fear in various forms. While I will not address any of these here, we are all hearing and reading about these anyways, I will ask you to think about which one of these are polarizing your own thoughts one way or the other. Which fear stories are you subscribing to, and how is that making you judge yourself, your neighbors, friends and family, community.

My urge to you today, turn away from the noise, really notice what is happening, versus the distraction and fear mongering. Turn away from the mass hysteria, and ask yourself is this action helping me and my community, make choices based on the answers you hear inside you, rather than trying to adhere/appease to the very loud angry voices in social media/news.

This is a time when we are all feeling the grief this loud polarization is bringing to our doorsteps, we are feeling helpless to really do anything much to harbor change. Grief and helplessness when misdirected become blame, shame and mass hysteria. Do your part, turn away, do not add to the chaos, instead do small things with compassion, gentleness, and inclusion to nourish and help yourself, your family and friends, your community, where ever you live.

This too shall pass.