The stories we believe

Humans love stories. We tell our kids stories when we put them to bed, we tell our friends and families stories about funny or dramatic things that happened to us, we are now using various social media outlets to tell these stories to the world.

We are also constantly telling ourselves stories. Consciously, and usually unconsciously we are viewing everything that life brings us under the perception of some storyline. One that includes, judgement, fear, rejection, bitterness, jealously, fantasy, yearning, etc.

The way we were raised and the stories we believed as children to understand our world as we were growing up, these become our most programmed stories, our ego-karmic stories. We see the world in a way that fits that story. The more dramatic and ego based the stories, the more we suffer and live in survival mode, lower-mind or victimhood and entrapment.

What if we stepped outside that story, examined it fully, and noticed how it was holding us back, how it was the very stumbling block to the life we truly wanted to live. Then knowing this, simply lived the life we wanted and let the story be just that, a story. Not the truth about ourselves, or others, just a story. Then we would be really living, not simple surviving and suffering.

Notice the next time you want another human to change because the story says if they changed, they would suffer less, or they would be more successful, or drop the addiction or harmful choice pattern; recognize the story your mind is telling you about them, and turn away from it, choose to see it, and let it be. Everyone is living their own story, turn toward your own courage, curiosity and humor to see the abundance of all life has brought you, not one that is wrapped in or exists outside of the ego- story.