The “should be” lines

We live life how it “should be”, how we were taught and conditioned life should be led. The right way, the good way, the way in which we will be loved and accepted.

So what lies outside the “should be”? all that is bad? all that is unacceptable, and all that cannot be loved?

Our conditioning taught us that only all that is inside these “should be” areas is good, acceptable and loveable. So when I or others lie outside these lines, I was taught that I or them do not deserve to be accepted, that I am being bad, making poor choices and cannot be loved. That I should know better as an adult human being and should change to be a better person.

In all honesty, everyone deserves love, compassion and acceptance. No matter the choices they make in life as adults. These choices may be deemed socially acceptable or not, yet that is not a deciding factor of whether these humans are deserving of love, or new opportunities.

When someone lives a pious life and experiences misfortune, we believe it to be unfair. In the same vein, when a deceitful human being experiences good fortunes and seems to get away with unscrupulous behavior, we deem that unfair too.

Fair/unfair, all comes from conditioning. We each have a story, a circus. We each make choices to bring us happiness, some at the advantage of others, some at the disadvantage of ourselves.

Amidst all of this, every human is deserving of love and compassion. For its not our story, our circus, our choices that determine our quotient for love, it is only because we are human, that we love and are loveable.