The practice of Metta/Maitri

The practice of Metta/Maitri, is the practice of extending benevolence, loving kindness and unconditional friendliness toward ourselves and toward others.

It is the first of the 4 Brahmaviharas (divine/sublime states) of being. Following the 4 Brahmaviharas leads the practitioner into the Brahma realm- the realm of the spiritual self.

The practice of loving kindness can be like this, however you can make it yours as it feels best to you.

May I be safe, healthy, happy, live with ease

May you be safe, healthy, happy, live with ease

May we be safe, healthy, happy, live with ease.

When we practice benevolence for ourselves and others, it naturally puts in a state of equality, compassion and forgiveness. It blesses both us and them and clears the spiritual path between us, no matter how complicated or blocked our human relationships may be.