The LOVE cycle

Love, as I learnt its meaning growing up, has always been conditioned and between people and pets. Now I realize, I am loved by ALL, and I am loveable. The love cycle continues, irrespective of the quality of the behavior and relationship that exists. The love exchange simply does not depend on how we or others behave, or the quality of our relationship or the time we have spent with each other, as we so often believe it does.

I can trust that am loved by everything, the sun, moon, stars, trees, mountains, other humans, the earth itself loves me. As I receive this love, I fall more in love with myself, and I send that love back and far and wide. All that loves me, falls deeply in love with itself and sends this love back.

This way the love cycle continues to flow back and forth, irrespective of what and how we mere humans in our small limited minds see or understand Love.

I am on a quest starting today, to bring my awareness to all that loves me, and how that helps me fall deeply in love with myself. I will then consciously send love out, far and wide to anyone or anything that may receive it and fall in love with itself.