The Inner Holy Trinity

My inner self has this beautiful holy trinity, my Spirit, my adult human self and my inner child.

My inner child has conditioned with ego growing up, this child has listened and believed everything that their adult caregivers have fed them growing up. This child is easily afraid and often feels scared and alone. Often looking to other adults for support and love.

My adult human supports, cares for, and is available to my inner child, to hold up and be the front line manager, so the inner child may be held in safety and comfort.

My beautiful spirit, is that consciousness of the soul that is most connected with my higher mind/self. Spirit provides, compassion, kindness, peace, patience, and love to the adult, inner child and to my whole life.

As much as our adult would like to, we only have the capacity to support our own inner child, we are totally free to support another adult and our spirit flows freely from one to another as one entity of interconnectedness.

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