The Four Pillars I lean on

The four pillars I lean on in my life are these- Awaken, Trust, Transform and Live.

Awaken to “this, here, now”. The present moment is all there is. This is where life has brought me the experience I need to observe. I am only here to observe the experience. Awaken to what is here now.

Trust life- she is the best friend we have, I strongly believe that all that is mine will not miss me. Life brings me abundance of all that is mine in the moment, and takes away all that is no longer serving my higher good, the higher good to make space for the new experience to unfold.

Transform– Move into your higher mind which is closest to the consciousness of the soul, allow compassion, kindness, peace, love to permeate from that realm to transform you, so you may hold space and respond from this place, no matter what situation or people or places seem to be crumbling in the exterior world. Transform to hold your heavy emotions as you collaborate with the world.

Live– Just Live, move from suffering to enjoyment. Let every experience make you alive, really feel it course through your human existence, give thanks for all of it, just as it showed up and for being a part of your life when its ready to leave.

Keep awakening, trusting, transforming and living. Keep moving from ego suffering into spirit joy!
