The Energy Exchange

We aren’t always aware of this but we are always exchanging energy with each other, objects in our environment and with nature. In fact, this energetic system is vast, way bigger than our human physical bag of bones.

As depicted above, this exchange may be healthy, unhealthy and apathetic for most of us. We have all been in one state or the other at some point in our lives. Some humans are consciously aware of and tapped into this energy exchange system and know fully when they are depleted or are depleting others, and when are being depleted. Most of us, have no clue.

For example, have you ever been in the company of a friend or family member with whom you feel fully supported, loved and heard? This feeling goes beyond words and touch. This is when there is a healthy energy exchange between you. You have entered a contract without knowing it, to take and give energy packages to each other equally. In this situation power is shared, joy and fun is experienced, you equally are available and support one another and there is no attachment, only clear communication of boundaries, and boundaries respected.

Now think of a situation when you have felt inadequate or not “cool” enough or simply not enough around another. This is when the unhealthy energy exchange is in progress. One is sucking/demanding energy from the other, this may come across as attention seeking, power struggle of “I am better than you”, or “I am unable to self-soothe and need you to take care of me”. In this situation one feels as if the other is selfish, or a victim, there is a clear feeling of depletion and unease and often an attachment or avoidance push-pull.

In the third state of apathy, no energy is shared between the two, there is no connection. Many who engage in inconsistent energy exchange end up here. There is no real support, availability, and the feeling is one of confusion, lacks clarity and feels broken and joyless.

We can pay attention to how we feel around others to make better choices on energy exchanges. There are no rights or wrongs, only healthy and unhealthy. If we actively practice replenishing our energy from the Earth below and the Universe above, and keep a check on protecting our energy stores, it wont matter which energy type we encounter, we will be able to choose how we wish to exchange energy with this being.

One last point- The individuals who indulge in self-care and in an inward facing self-respecting path, will have larger reserves of self-esteem and self-health. These practices enable in healthy energy exchanges. If you know yourself well and actively choose how you are willing to engage your energy levels to feel fulfilled and happy, you will offer the same types of energy engagement to others.

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