That which wants to grow

That (Life, Universe, Consciousness) which wants to grow (conscious or unconscious of my human understanding), creates situations that allow for that growth to occur through human experiences.

Examining the flowchart above, it seems an easy path from one yellow box through the blue ellipse into the next yellow box. But its far more complicated.

Humans are the all important vessels for this flow/growth to occur. Our physical human life and all that is in it, people, situations, events, milestones, emotions, ego-conditioning, trauma, joy all of it is of utmost importance, here is how.

The situations that are created by Life itself are observed, experienced as human experiences by our human perception, sensations, capacity to feel and endure. Without this, That which wants to grow, has no vessel within which the experience occurs and so no growth is possible, at least not in this dimensional form.

Everything that is here is created so as humans we can experience these situations and allow the flow of growth to occur.

Our human ego conditioning can make this process complex. When we unconsciously, mainly live in deep ego sleep, and are not awake to the experience, we may feel shame/ blame and miss the entire experience, and growth may be prevented. Similar situations are continuously created for the opportunity for this growth, but if the human remains asleep, the growth will not occur.

When awake and conscious of being co-creators with life, we allow situations to bring us to a place of higher spiritual awareness and our experience is one of letting go shame/blame and resting in joy and compassion, this perpetuates the path of growth.

In order for our higher self, our consciousness to grow with our human experience, it is important to drop the blockages of ego-conditioning, let go, and rest in Spirit and Trust the flow.

Allow conscious Growth to occur as it is the one purpose for the existence of humankind.

Thoughts? comments?