
“I am really grateful for the Wholistic You course offered through the REALISE program at the U of C. This course really grounded me in a period of intense school stress and demands. I have found myself meditating more and practicing lots of yoga at a local studio through an exchange program that requires a few hours of cleaning a month (yay student budget).” 2023 Holly Vogel, Graduate Student, University of Calgary.

“Last year was very stressful for me due to work related issues, lack of reprieve since the pandemic, caregiving for my parents who live with me etc. I found myself getting increasingly irritable with people around me. I reached out to Smriti and she recommended the Inner Child workshop. I addition, my daughter and I participated in a parent-child workshop to strengthen our relationship.
Smriti’s approach and her philosophy deriving from a variety of spiritual traditions and her background as a neuroscientist resonated deeply with me. I started to understand the deep seated causes of my irritable outbursts, lack of patience (empathy in certain situations?) with Smriti’s guidance. I am now in much better state of self-awareness and lot less wound up.
Even as I was going through the course, so many of my friends who had known me for a long time commented on the peaceful energy and the glow of calmness on my face!
After completing the workshops, I have continued to practice the techniques I learnt form Smriti and for the first time in my life, I started keeping a journal. I have also started meditating on a daily basis and I feel that I can manage my reactions to life’s irritants much better while trying to be a much kinder person to myself and people around me.” 2023 Rupal Engineer, NM, USA

“I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to attend Smriti’s course. Despite it being a condensed version, I truly believe that after completing it, I am better version of myself. The teachings in the course may seem like common knowledge but where Smriti excels is providing a safe space to become vulnerable and providing the tools to help individuals reflect within themselves on their needs. Smriti is compassionate and teaches with so much warmth and kindness in her heart that you can’t help but become more spiritually aware in the class. I feel that my outlook on life has been shifted positively and this course truly has helped me on my journey of self-improvement and self-love. Cannot recommend enough!” 2022 Stephanie (PhD Student).

“Smriti Agrawal, showed me how to use the technique that I already owned to help me control my social anxiety. She help me put words to the feelings I was experiencing and I became more aware of what my body, soul, and mind was telling me. I became more aware of my surroundings and how everything around me, had either a positive or negative impact on my behavior and/or feelings. Smriti showed me the benefits of breathing techniques, and to this day I still use them to either calm myself or regulate my breathing in a stressful situation. Thank you <3”. 2022 Alicia, QC, Canada

“I first met Smriti through work and always found her to be a very warm and caring person who seemed to be genuine. As we got to know each other she opened up about her interests and her spiritual journey.
Last year I went through a number of changes in my life from health to work related and a relationship ending. It seemed it all happened at once and I felt I lost my way. I reached out to Smriti to chat one afternoon and she told me about the workshops she was giving and of course I signed up.
Her guided meditations were very comforting and she brought me to my inner child. This gave me incredible clarity about myself.
Working with Smriti has really helped me understand my feelings and emotions
I have also done a virtual Reiki session with her that was also great and she has even been showing me how to interpret Tarot cards.
I am truly thankful for having Smriti in my life and showing me how to walk the doors that open.” 2022 Jodie Goldhart, Toronto, Canada

“It’s hard to find words to describe the medicine that Smriti has. I knew from the moment we met in her Reiki level one class that she had a deep purpose and passion to help others. Smriti is honest, authentic, inspired, compassionate and incredibly talented. When Smriti teaches she paints beautiful pictures for her students. Her guided meditations are soothing and healing and for my self they have brought profound clarity and understanding in my human experience. Anyone that’s looking to find them self, learn tools and techniques to find peace and clarity should consider her teachings and her classes. Smriti is a gift and I am so grateful I have her as of one of my most profound teachers!” 2021 Diana Mayorga, Calgary, Canada

“Through Smriti’s workshops, I was able to become more conscious about my true feelings and emotions, furthermore calmer and more confident about my actions and decisions. Its been an incredible and reveling journey of learning to accept my vulnerabilities and to love myself. Smriti’s teachings touch me in various layers of my inner self, its a continuous and non-stop growing! Thank you Smriti.” 2021 Flavia Nagel Da Silva, Brazil.

“Smriti’s sessions have helped me put the gear back in my life. Her solutions and therapy have cleared my mind space and helped me reason out the situation. Meditation has also helped me calm down.” 2021 Sarika.

“Truly thankful to have been offered the opportunity to ‘wake up’ my passive journey of self-discovery and care with Smriti’s transformational workshops. The guidance and personal reflections provided in these workshops have changed the relationship I have with myself and others – I can’t wait to experience what’s next on my care pathway; and I am certain Smriti’s energy and direction will be there to witness my enlightenment every step of the way.” 2021 Leah, Calgary Canada.

“I was fortunate enough to cross paths with Smriti, credit to a mutual friend, and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. It’s not just the program but her warmth and teaching methods has assisted in my personal self growth, understanding ego, and just an overall grounding experience that has served me to my highest of good. Her words will forever resonate with me and I highly recommend this experience for all.” 2020 Sara, New York, USA.

“Smriti has helped me on my way to finding and loving my true self. If I ever need a way back, I practice the meditations we did together and reflect back on the spiritual lessons I’ve learned through her. Her workshops brought the introspection and healing I was looking for.” 2020 Olga, New York USA.

“Thank you Smriti, I really enjoyed this journey with you. You opened this wonderful door to spiritual awareness for me and the group. So much to explore!! It has changed my life in many ways, big and small but all for the better. Thank you!!” 2020 Sheasta, New York USA.
