Anger-the angry person

Having been labelled an “Angry person” growing up, I simply played the part, not believing that I could change. I mean, that was the label I was given by people I trusted. As I grew older, I learnt, there is no such thing as an “angry person”, I learnt that I was a person, feeling… Continue reading Anger-the angry person

Happiness is…

What is this thing called happiness? While it feels like everything we do in life is so we may find/be happy, have a happy life; how many of us truly examine what happiness means to us. Happiness can be described as a good feeling, or a feeling of joy and calmness. But in all honesty… Continue reading Happiness is…

Our Karma Debt

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we carry Karma debt from one life into another. If like myself you believe that we re-incarnate over and over, same spirit different body or dimension, you will know that how we live our life as humans adds or takes away from this Karma debt. What this means… Continue reading Our Karma Debt

Humans just need to feel loved

In the end, humans just need to feel loved. We behave in all kinds of weird and wonderful ways to just feel loved. We are conditioned and wired to look for this love outside, in the outer realm. We are taught/ we have perceived how love exchange happens from the caregivers that surround us as… Continue reading Humans just need to feel loved