Grow your inner garden- sow your seeds today

If you had an inner garden, what would it look like. Close your eyes and make a mental picture of your inner garden; visualize it to shape up exactly as you wish, the very garden that would bring you joy. What would you sow in this garden? I would have seeds of freedom, kindness, acceptance,… Continue reading Grow your inner garden- sow your seeds today

The Four Pillars I lean on

The four pillars I lean on in my life are these- Awaken, Trust, Transform and Live. Awaken to “this, here, now”. The present moment is all there is. This is where life has brought me the experience I need to observe. I am only here to observe the experience. Awaken to what is here now.… Continue reading The Four Pillars I lean on

“How” do you want to live this experience called life?

This past year and a half, I’ve become very mindful of who/what comes in, who/what stays, and who/what is no longer here to support my highest good and must be let go of. It has helped me focus on the “how” I want to live this experience. You don’t have to understand life. You just… Continue reading “How” do you want to live this experience called life?