The 4 Brahma Viharas- Equanimity

The 4th Brahma Vihara Equanimity, is best experienced in this ten day wisdom course by Sharon Salzberg. In taking this course I realized how much I didn’t know about equanimity, and how eager I was to learn more. The dictionary describes it as mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. A… Continue reading The 4 Brahma Viharas- Equanimity

The practice of Metta/Maitri

The practice of Metta/Maitri, is the practice of extending benevolence, loving kindness and unconditional friendliness toward ourselves and toward others. It is the first of the 4 Brahmaviharas (divine/sublime states) of being. Following the 4 Brahmaviharas leads the practitioner into the Brahma realm- the realm of the spiritual self. The practice of loving kindness can… Continue reading The practice of Metta/Maitri

The Human Ego-Spirit scale

Draw a horizontal line on a piece of paper, or make a circle with an arrow on the bottom to draw a scale or gauge. Then write human ego on the left side and Spirit on the right. Look below- Some of the emotions commonly experienced which choosing Ego or Spirit are listed. Ask yourself,… Continue reading The Human Ego-Spirit scale