To be a loving person

“When one moves into the desire to be a loving person, the inner healing begins to take place, and one gets to experience Life as loving despite its emotional ups and downs. The process of Life itself and the innate nature of what is happening are loving and come from a God of unconditional love… Continue reading To be a loving person

Humans just need to feel loved

In the end, humans just need to feel loved. We behave in all kinds of weird and wonderful ways to just feel loved. We are conditioned and wired to look for this love outside, in the outer realm. We are taught/ we have perceived how love exchange happens from the caregivers that surround us as… Continue reading Humans just need to feel loved

The inner critic

At first we may not notice this inner voice of criticism. In the early parts of our spiritual journey we start to recognize its existence and may find it shocking, the vile that it projects toward us. The most common ones for me are these “you are a failure”, ” you have too much to… Continue reading The inner critic

The observer effect

We are such a beautiful stew/melting pot/potpourri of human-karma-spirit-observer-consciousness. Human me is bound to karma, ego, conditioning and generational trauma hurt. If I see myself as human only, the suffering would be unsurmountable! I would live in that place of hell and fire where I would be incapable of holding my own emotions and blame… Continue reading The observer effect

The one person

Once we make self-care and self-love and self-need first and foremost, the path to helping, caring for and loving others in the most authentic way will open up by itself. I have always been someone who has put the safety, comfort, happiness and ease of others prior to mine. I have felt that if I… Continue reading The one person

The Four Pillars I lean on

The four pillars I lean on in my life are these- Awaken, Trust, Transform and Live. Awaken to “this, here, now”. The present moment is all there is. This is where life has brought me the experience I need to observe. I am only here to observe the experience. Awaken to what is here now.… Continue reading The Four Pillars I lean on

Internal itch-External scratching post

How many times have we had an internal emotional itch and have looked for an external scratching post to calm the feeling of confusion and unrest? What I mean by this is, often when we feel an inner emotional yearning stemming from anxiety or fear (lower mind activity), we immediately reach out to the closest… Continue reading Internal itch-External scratching post

“How” do you want to live this experience called life?

This past year and a half, I’ve become very mindful of who/what comes in, who/what stays, and who/what is no longer here to support my highest good and must be let go of. It has helped me focus on the “how” I want to live this experience. You don’t have to understand life. You just… Continue reading “How” do you want to live this experience called life?


When we feel hurt by a situation or behaviors in our external world, our internal life feels stabbed and wounded. What do we do with this? Do we immediately plot our revenge and lash out, do we withdraw into hurting victims, licking our wounds in private, or do we forgive and move on? Most of… Continue reading Forgiveness

Reassurance versus self-righteousness

As social creatures, we each live with and around humans with varied beautiful personality traits. Each unique to their own. Its almost as if we have (for a myriad of reasons), created our own personal version of reality and are living a fantasy life within the confines of this perceived reality. No good reality versus… Continue reading Reassurance versus self-righteousness