The 4 Brahma Viharas- Equanimity

The 4th Brahma Vihara Equanimity, is best experienced in this ten day wisdom course by Sharon Salzberg. In taking this course I realized how much I didn’t know about equanimity, and how eager I was to learn more. The dictionary describes it as mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. A… Continue reading The 4 Brahma Viharas- Equanimity

“Not good enough”

Are you listening and believing that inner voice of self-hate? The same one that says you are “not enough, not good enough, not doing enough, must do more”, etc. How do you stop listening to this voice? what are your tools? What do you listen to instead? Once I discover I am in this self-destructive… Continue reading “Not good enough”

Thanksgiving, compassion, being kinder

As its Thanksgiving in Canada, and after meeting many soul nourishing friends and family, consuming delicious food and drinks together, I am pondering this- thanksgiving. I am grateful for everything, and I mean everything in my life. The comfort, safety, privledge, and all that life has brought to me in between. I want to make… Continue reading Thanksgiving, compassion, being kinder

Ego Conditioning can lead to Acceptance

Ok, this is more of a ramble than a coherent dialogue. I want to point out how when faced with a situation with another human whose behavior is completely different from the way we would behave in the same situation, we may experience judgement, blame, and criticism toward them. So in all honesty what has… Continue reading Ego Conditioning can lead to Acceptance

Lethe’ and Eunoia’ in the Divine Comedy

Dante’ encountered the rivers Lethe’ and Eunoia’ at the top of mount Purgatory in his book The Divine Comedy. The river Lethe’ helped him lose memory of all his sins and the river Eunoia’ allowed him to remember all the good he had done in his lifetimes. I wish we too could each drink from… Continue reading Lethe’ and Eunoia’ in the Divine Comedy

Judgement and compassion

Nobody likes to believe that they are quick to judge others. Most of us like to think we are accepting of everyone, no matter the behaviors, choices and story lines. I absolutely fit the above criteria, I am aware that I judge others, but I believe this to be a negative quality in myself (my… Continue reading Judgement and compassion

The practice of Metta/Maitri

The practice of Metta/Maitri, is the practice of extending benevolence, loving kindness and unconditional friendliness toward ourselves and toward others. It is the first of the 4 Brahmaviharas (divine/sublime states) of being. Following the 4 Brahmaviharas leads the practitioner into the Brahma realm- the realm of the spiritual self. The practice of loving kindness can… Continue reading The practice of Metta/Maitri

Experience Quotient

OK, so all that we are truly doing here is Experiencing. All that happens to us, around us, to others, around them, etc. We simply experience. Ego then jumps in and labels the experience as joyous, or sad. Ego wants more of the experiences it deems joyous, and less of the sad ones. Imagine a… Continue reading Experience Quotient