Spiritual squalor to spiritual abundance

In a recent meditation when I asked for guidance on understanding why some humans choose to suffer emotionally and inflict suffering onto other humans who choose to remain in their lives; the words “Spiritual squalor” became apparent.

The noun “squalor” is defined as- the state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect.

A person can live in this human incarnation in many states of squalor. Physical squalor, where the external life and physical body is neglected and may appear dirty and unpleasant. Emotional squalor, when heavy emotions are not regulated or remain unmanaged resulting in emotional neglect and social awkwardness. Finally, spiritual squalor where a human is so unaware of his/her spiritual self they live in ego-fear all the time, feeling lonely, unloved, and selfishly grabbing at anyone and anything to feel like they belong and are loved.

While none of these states are good or bad, “lack, neglect or squalor” will most likely cause some amount of suffering at the level it is expressed.

Spiritual squalor can be transmuted to spiritual abundance by practicing some very simple changes in attitude. Firstly, adopting the knowledge that each human including yourself is here only as a spiritual being having a human experience. Second, the human experience is here and now, in the present moment only. Lastly, if we stopped, and simply gave thanks (grateful) for all that is here now, for everyone who is in our life now, we find a willingness to grow closer to spirit (adult healthy ego) and to love child-ego a few degrees more.

In doing so, each situation that Life has brought here and now; each human who is here playing out their own story line will become everything we can use to grow and blossom into our truest spiritual self.

What are your thoughts on this? What have your own moments of spiritual squalor or abundance felt like? How did you transmute one to the other? Comment below.