Perhaps the best words ever said to me are these “take your time, there is no rush”. I learnt as a young person, in order to be successful, I must be quick at doing things and must do many things to be competent.
This led to a fast and furious personality in me, that never allowed me to relax. I rushed around, making mistakes and expected others to rush around, and do many things quickly.
I was too controlling of myself and others, setting unrealistic expectations of me and them. All of this resulted in me getting many things done in this lifetime (the academic environment feeds off this type of conditioning), however it all left me feeling tired, unhappy, and really stressed all the time.
In examining inner space, and abundant time, I was able to cool my heels, take everything two times slow, enjoy the present moment and enter an inner space of calm, of expansion, of flow, of infinite trust. I experienced true peace, relaxation and unfathomable joy in just living everyday life here and now.

I urge you today to create an infinite inner realm, where anything is possible, and time is expansive and elastic, and when life feels too tight, stressed and squeezed, bring yourself to your inner spacious space to just be, to relax, to be at peace, and truly enjoy being here in this incarnated form.