Silent quitting

We are all quite aware of the phenomenon of “silent quitting”. Its when a person has quit in their minds or moved away from the status quo, long before its visible or realized on the outside.

This process is common in romantic relationships, friendships, workplaces, community groups etc. In any case its not easy for the person experiencing it, or the those of us who are at the receiving end. Sometimes we are taken by surprise by it, no matter which end we find ourselves in.

The real reason this happens, is because the space between us and them no longer feels safe for our true expressions to be placed in. We no longer feel like we can express the true version of ourselves and be accepted. Perhaps we did try to clear the air but it fell on deaf ears, perhaps we didn’t see the point of saying anything at all, it was too late.

Notice in which relationships, situations you feel like you have silently quit. Which humans in your life have become quiet, when in the past they were always ready to share with enthusiasm. Perhaps you are witnessing silent quitting in action.

Walking away when respect is no longer being served at any table is crucial for all human beings, doing it silently may be the only classy way to do it sometimes.
