Self-worth and value

When our sense of self-worth and value are attached/dependent on anything external to ourselves, we are guaranteed a lifetime of pain, suffering and never feeling like we are enough.

I have always loved this affirmation. I am enough. I have enough, I do enough. It offers such definite clarity to the external expectations and confusion we wrap ourselves in often. It allows us to rest when we need it, to take the space to be who we are, to stop/pause when we know that is what we need most. It allows us to be fully grateful for all we have done and to take stock of all our achievements and accomplishments.

Here is a list of what self-worth and value are NOT

  1. having a lucrative job
  2. being popular and having many fans
  3. large home, car and money
  4. being responsible for many persons or things
  5. having a large social media presence
  6. checking off all the social expectations

Here is what true self-worth and value are

  1. simply existing
  2. loving and feeling loved
  3. feeling nourished by experience
  4. peace
  5. compassion
  6. acceptance
  7. rest/space/slow pace
  8. grateful
  9. humble
  10. patience

What does your self-worth list include?