Reiki Healing

Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a hands-on or distance healing technique through which a “universal Reiki energy” is transferred through the practitioner to the client to clear away energy blockages, especially in the 7 chakra regions to encourage emotional and/or physical healing. Reiki healing is non-invasive and is low to no-contact. Most people who have had it for the first time describe it as relaxing and meditative.

I am a Reiki level 3 practitioner. I combine Reiki energy healing with an intuitive visual reading to clear away any emotional or physical blockages to restore unobstructed energy flow. You can book an in person or distance Reiki healing session with me for 30 min or 1 hour.

Contact me to book a Reiki healing session for yourself or a loved one today.
