Reflection and Celebration: Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome in 2022.

Remember to take time to reflect, maybe even month by month looking through all your pictures from the past year or your journal entries. Reflect on all that you experienced in 2021. Do not let this year slip by unnoticed. No matter what showed up, give it the reflection it deserves, especially if it brought with it, heavy emotions which are usually full of heavy learning and growth. This is true self-awareness and self-reflection.

And needless to say, CELEBRATE!!!! It would be a shame if you simply allowed one year to blend into another. Take a pause, and truly celebrate. Be that alone, dancing to your favorite tunes with your pet/ kids/ stuff toys; or with friends, family, neighbors. Raise a glass of your favorite allowed beverage and usher in the new year with excitement and joy of many goodbyes and many new hello’s! Its the only way life works, for you, me and everyone! Awaken to your life!

Love you all! Happy New Year! Woot Woot!