
So you know how our mind constantly chats away in the background. Pay attention to what all is being said. The “you” voices, the “I am” voices. Most times these seem all over the place, but if we pay close attention, they can be categorized into two types.

A positive/encouraging/cheerleader, and a negative/degrading/beating me up voice. Most times we do not know which is which and honestly, are more often tuning into the beating me up voice versus the cheerleader.

What if we actively listened more to the cheerleader, sought those voices out, and tuned out the one that is handing out the beatings. What if our practice became to recognize the beatings, replaced them with the voice of the cheerleader and repeated this often to make into a constant practice.

How enjoyable would life seem then? All we are doing is tuning into that which already exists and opening up to Life itself.
