Receive rather than reject

As humans we are constantly conditioned to reject all that is unwanted, unacceptable and all that doesn’t fit our notion of how “it” should be.

Advertising companies have a field day with this. If we allow it to invade our space, we will constantly be told how to reject and remove anything unwanted with a product that will help rid us of it, and enhance what should be instead. This may be body fat, wrinkles, nose shape, hair color, emotions, intelligence, libido, the list goes on and on.

One thing is for sure, anyone who buys into this, is not moving toward a happier more fulfilled life, maybe a temporary fix of a problem that was created by the external yardstick in the first place. In the long run it is by peacefully accepting and embracing all that is given to us, physically, mentally, emotionally, and situationally is when happiness and fulfillment grow and permeate our being.

Recently, I had a close family member say to me “I do not feel loved by you”. While my immediate emotion was one of deep hurt and sorrow, right behind it was the courage that softly reminded me of how I did love them very much, and how I had not only said so many times, but also demonstrated this love in many ways. This voice then calmly reminded me that maybe the real reason they don’t feel loved by me is because they do not allow themselves to receive the love that is given to them. Deep down they may have allowed themselves to believe that they are not worthy of being loved.

When we allow ourselves to simply become instruments that are here to receive love, we immediately feel loved. We feel and know that we belong, we are important, and worthy of this life. This love while may not always be available to everyone from an external source is being given to us freely and unconditionally from our inner self/ our inner spirit all the time. We simply need to tune in, to put in the effort into learning how to receive it.

A beautiful musical instrument is simply a mute object unless it trusts and receives guidance from its musician, trusting and loving together they create beautiful music. We humans, are quite like the musical instrument, a mute physical object, until we tune into our spiritual self/our musician. As we open ourselves to receive this guidance and love we too become vessels of beautiful music that resonates as the orchestra of the collective consciousness of this Universe.

How will you tune into your musician today to receive guidance and love?