Our unique “happy”

How do you define your own “happy”?

Socially we have come to accept many external situations as ones that bring us joy and keep us happy. Many of these can be challenged for most.

We each have our own definition of happy, things, situations, state of mind that makes us happy.

In examining those with dementia or challenges in mental states, I always wonder if in their mind’s world, they are just in a happy place. While those of us on the outside cannot define or understand this “happy” and it may not match our own, we can accept this for them.

What if we reached a state of acceptance that the way another defines happy is their own and may look very different from mine, then we can move away from judgement, control and enjoy their happy for them, as we maintain our own.

Ask yourself today, what and how do you define happy and how may this be very different from anyone else’s definition.