Our life in macro vs. micro

As my daughter and I watched a show together, one of the characters asked the other if it mattered whether she lived or died.

The other responded in this way “on the macro level, no its doesn’t matter whether you live or die; we are each a single Cheerio in a very large box of Cheerios. However, on a micro level it does matter, because I love you, and I would miss you if you died.”

That’s just it. If we could always remind ourselves of the macro-ness of these human lives we live at all times, and with that live with immense gratitude for the micro lives wherein we love, attach, miss, care for, support and find beauty in one another.

While it may not matter on the macro level, its the collection of micro-level love that humans generate toward each other that creates and raises the collective consciousness of humankind and all sentient beings in this Universe.

Comments? Any guesses on which show this appeared in? 🙂