Listen to understand

Are we listening so as to understand what the other is saying to us? or are we listening to misunderstand them?

While we would never believe we would intentionally do the latter, most of the time, most of us are doing exactly that. Our protective shields of conditioning and ego stories are constantly talking to us, so much so that we half-listen to what another is saying and fill in the gaps with our own ego-stories in turn missing most of what is being said to us.

What if we were to drop the shield, open up, set healthy boundaries and fully listen to understand, becoming aware of exactly what is truly being said to us. Putting the heavy emotions of ego rumblings aside, and simply listen.

What if we were to become so comfortable with who we are, shine our own light, no matter how much it may be unrecognized by anyone else, that we become fully ok with being misunderstood, disliked and rejected by another human. The one who has only half-listened to us and is filling the remaining portion with their own ego story to fully misunderstand us.

Have you ever been in one place or the other? Been misunderstood, or were the one only half-listening? I sure have been and will most likely be again; the beauty of being so human.