Let be, Let go, It is Written

As we are at times gripped tighter by worry and anxious thoughts about what will be, how things will turn out, will the best choices be made, if not what mistakes/accidents will these lead to… and on and on and on.

We can return to the present moment with the trust that all that is to be, is Written. What is meant to be will be, and will not miss me. When it does happen, if it does happen, I will manage/handle the situation then in the best way possible at that time.

So if everything is written, then do we need to set intention or manifest? Yes! in fact it is always said to set intention and manifest from your highest self. What this means is with all honesty and integrity, intend and manifest to create all that needs to be created to live your purpose, for all that too has been Written, and is occurring the way its meant to be.

So let be of ego control, grow into your spiritual space and allow your Life adventures to come to you, stay still, it will come to you, so you may experience the human experience with all that is here now.

Thoughts, comments?