Kind in a kind place

I title this post “I can be kind in a kind place”. I realized how susceptible I am to my environment. If I am surrounded by kindness and am nurtured, accepted and engaged with, I can embody all these in return. Similarly, I can be tough and hard when in a a situation which feels like a rock and a hard place.

In examining why and how this happens and what I can do about it, I realized as a growing mature adult I can make the healthy choice for myself. I can choose environments, situations and people who are nourishing to my soul. When I cannot choose, I can actively examine what in that place nourishes me and focus on that, rather than get consumed by the toxicity.

In the end, I suffer less when I am kind. Keeping this in mind, I will keep choosing the tables at which I feel most respected, heard, loved and engaged.
