Inner coach/mentor

Just as athletes have coaches, TV personalities have agents or managers, we too have an inner coach, and inner mentor.

Similar to any coach/mentor, this inner coach has one singular purpose and that is to cheer on and motivate the human being it is responsible for. Its the voice in our “gut” or “heart” or intuition, however you recognize it, this coach is here to support you, love you, raise you up, and hold you up, no matter how low you go.

In fact in my experience, the more I pay attention to the coach and spend my energy in places she recommends, the more joyous life feels. In closer examination, I have found, that nothing in my outside world changes, but when I allow myself to be guided by my inner mentor/coach, I simply feel well.

Then there are the lower energy beings. I was reminded recently about them by a close friend, who identified that some of my physical aches and pains may have originated from lower energy beings latched on to me.

Ok, while there isn’t much proof of the existence of beings on this planet unseen to the human eye. As energetic entities ourselves, most of us have felt the presence of unseen energetic beings around us at some point. If not, surely felt a shift in our own energy for no particular reason.

When we allow it, be it a generational habit or conditioning, when we close off to our spiritual self, our coach and mentor and wallow in ego stories and conditioned mind, it becomes easier for the ever present lower energy beings to latch onto our energy path and suck from it. We cant see this, but we feel it. For example, you call a friend and they do not respond to you like you expected, if your generational conditioning is to feel rejected by this external occurrence, you will take this situation as a reflection on self worth and feel hurt, its at this vulnerable point that lower energy beings can latch on and perpetuate the doom and gloom.

So what may I suggest is a solution? We are all susceptible to lower energy beings, some people are covered in them from head to toe and only now and again surface to heed their inner coach. We can always take the observer stance and “see” beyond. This is to observe it all just as it is, coach saying one thing, lower energy beings doing another and the human you in the middle choosing this or that. Once we “see” it for what it is, we can slowly start to choose the voice of kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, love, the one of inner mentor.

Remember, whether you do this consciously or not, you always need to give permission to lower energy to attach to you. So, keep cleansing your energy aura and saying “no thanks” to lower energy beings.

This simple change will allow you to level up on the Map of Consciousness (Dr. David Hawkins) and shift your life from despair to joyousness.