Higher Mind-Lower Mind

In his book-Meditation, Ivan Antic states that the mind is virtual reality, and as such a really useful tool. In the diagram above, he states how the consciousness of mind is always connected with a level of understanding of the nature of reality. in order to understand the nature of reality, we firstly need to understand the nature of our being, the way it is organized. The simplest display of the organization of our being which is easily recognizable is a division into the lower mind, higher mind and consciousness of the soul.

  1. Consciousness of the soul (which is transcendental and only partially embodied)
  2. Higher mind (or higher I, which stands between the physical body and the divine consciousness of the soul, as the link between the two)
  3. Consciousness of the physical mind (or ego, lower mind, placed in the brain of the physical body).

Most humans through our process of evolution into an urbanized being have been conditioned to spend most of our time and energy in the lower mind. We focus solely on how the external world impacts our internal world and constantly react to people, and situations. If we were to practice moving into and staying in higher mind, we would truly live our purpose, which is to observe the present human experience. We would do this with no judgement or expectation toward ourselves or the external world. With gratitude and infinite forgiveness.

Moving into the higher self and asking what is my experience now- brings wonderful new sensations. In spite of everything brought into the external realm, our physical body will experience feeling content, comfortable, safe, our spirit will soar joyously, our mind will settle into gratitude and forgiveness and our soul will feel only happy and calm.

After all, in the present moment- my physical body is having “this” experience, my mind is having “this” thought, notion or belief. Both body and mind are simulations, made up, perceived only by our spiritual self. In the present moment, my conscious soul is observing the body and mind each having their own experience. This is the summary of my existence, and it exists only in this moment.

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