Gratitude and Spirit

The easiest way to being in Spirit consciousness is to be grateful for everything. Simple as this sounds, the practice of being grateful for everything is a lot harder to do. While being hard, its not impossible and in fact with persistent practice, it can become fun and easy.

When I say grateful for everything, I mean just that. If you truly start to believe that the real “you” is a spiritual being having a human experience in this incarnation, then everything that is brought to the human life and all that is taken away and all that stays, is all that one can be thankful for.

All the bee stings, the poison ivy rashes, the heartbreaks, the ice-cream pops on warm days and hugs from loved ones, all of these and more were allowed into your life to create an experience. One that is easily categorized into “I like this”, “I do not like this”. With no judgement or rejection if we simply become present to the experience in its entirety, and say “thankyou for this”, we are truly entering spiritual consciousness, leaving behind ego- fear, judgement and aversion.

In spirit-consciousness, Life is abundant and open to anything, everything with love and compassion. In this space, we manifest with integrity and the highest good of all.

A song in the movie “The Prince of Egypt”, summed this up nicely, “Look at your life, through Heavens eyes”.

Thoughts? Comments? When do you live in spirit-consciousness and when are you caught in ego-consciousness?