Experience Quotient

OK, so all that we are truly doing here is Experiencing. All that happens to us, around us, to others, around them, etc. We simply experience. Ego then jumps in and labels the experience as joyous, or sad. Ego wants more of the experiences it deems joyous, and less of the sad ones.

Imagine a graph, where the y axis is scaled joyous or sad, and the X-axis lists the different experiences, some hit high on joy, some high on sadness, some are fairly neutral on this experience quotient.

When we subscribe to ego, we feel bored and restless when the external experience has not hit the high points of joy. We wish things were different, like they were before, so much so, we turn away from the experience here and now and move to a fantasy of how things could be.

When in all honesty, if we awaken with compassion, return to this moment, everything is here for us to simply experience with no judgement, no label. Its here so we may feel and be nourished, to learn and grow from. So Stop-look around at your experience here now, ask yourself, what are the feelings this experience is bringing up in me? How is it nourishing me? Can I immerse myself in this feeling of being completely nourished? Has this experience brought a growth lesson? What feelings does that accompany, how am I welcoming them in now?
