Event + Response=OUTCOME

Anything the human race does, anything, is for the purpose of achieving a desired (ego) outcome. We, in this incarnated dimension have been taught from our early years growing up, that our actions determine the outcome, and maybe to some extent they do.

We have been conditioned to believe the stories that tell us that if we follow certain patterns in life we will have definite outcomes. So many of us toe the line and live in fear of failing the pattern, never daring to choose any different with the possible consequence of failing life. Many who have made hurtful choices in life are convinced that the action of others or themselves brought them to these awful outcome.

If we examine the equation- Event + Response=OUTCOME, we can see that the event is out of our control (or is it? more on this below). The situation we are in at work, at home, with friends, in society are the events that life brings to us, and we follow the ego-conditioned pattern to achieve the ego desired outcome.

What if we let go of wanting the ego-conditioned outcome and focus solely on response. What if we put all our energy, time, dollars etc. into choosing how we want to respond, no matter the event; no matter the outcome. This is when we then move closer to our authentic self, to our spirit.

When we consciously choose our response, the outcome maybe different from what was predicted in the ego-conditioned pattern, but I can assure you the new outcome will be way more satisfying to you overall. As in any equation when you change one thing, everything else is effected. If we change our response to life, and shift or up level our response, bring our best self forward, the events that will start to show up in our lives will be altered as well.

Give this a try when faced with a familiar situation, be it at work, at home, at a social situation, that has a very predictable outcome. It could be that in a work meeting you allow that one person to take over and then you feel resentment throughout the meeting and after, this time choose to respond differently. Or, with a friend, you always allow them to violate your boundaries, but this time you choose to set healthier, more compassionate boundaries for yourself, and simply observe the different outcome.

Most times we choose the same old response, as we innately believe if we step outside the box we will be rejected, not loved, abandoned by those around us, and that maybe so. Especially if this is the case, it is crucial to choose the most authentic response to attract those in your life who respect you for you, and time to let be those who do not.

Choose, loving kindness and compassion for yourself, use peace, patience, humor, curiosity, courage and choose a different response. You will be amazed at the type of outcome it generates, and how the events that are brought in to your life become aligned with your higher self.

Comment below if this resonates.