Ego Conditioning can lead to Acceptance

Ok, this is more of a ramble than a coherent dialogue.

I want to point out how when faced with a situation with another human whose behavior is completely different from the way we would behave in the same situation, we may experience judgement, blame, and criticism toward them.

So in all honesty what has happened, is this person has behaved in a way that is not aligned with our own ego conditioning. We would have behaved the way we are conditioned, they behaved according to the urge of their own conditioning.

If the difference between their conditioning and ours is vast, then the level of emotion, judgment and difference we may experience between us will also be large.

I often examine my own ego conditioning when I am faced with a situation as described in the video and try to put everything out on the same table, then find acceptance and compassion for my own emotions and then the same for the differences in our conditioning.

Just because the conditioning between two people or groups of people varies, doesn’t make one right other wrong. It simply points out the different ways in which we perceive the order in the world. Armed with this knowledge, we have different ways to perceive and behave in the same situations, we can find acceptance in it all, as well learn to recognize where and with whom we will most compassionately benefit from sharing our energy and time with.

Take a moment to recognize everything that comes up when your own ego conditioning is challenged or misaligns with that of another person.