
This will be a sensitive subject for some. Please bring your sense of humor to read more. I am not by any means making light of discrimination, I am urging everyone to think about it, in the many ways it can manifest, and has shown up in my own life.

In this lifetime, I have been discriminated for being a woman, being brown/Indian in Canada, being too educated, being too rich, not being rich enough, buying my own Tesla with my own money! (no trust fund here), being a single mom, being spiritual, being too generous, being vegetarian, having too many food allergies, being too much, too loud, too smart, not smart enough and being “older”… and the list goes on and on.

In my younger days, I had tough skin or stupid skin and just brushed these off, or didn’t notice the difference. In my middle age, I see it, I recognize it unfold, I bring wise humor and just notice it.

I do know that I will not play along when discrimination is happening to someone else. I will rise up to challenge it. As I will continue to investigate if we are being too sensitive at times, or if some of us are not being sensitive and accepting enough.