The inner critic

At first we may not notice this inner voice of criticism. In the early parts of our spiritual journey we start to recognize its existence and may find it shocking, the vile that it projects toward us. The most common ones for me are these “you are a failure”, ” you have too much to… Continue reading The inner critic

The Energy Exchange

We aren’t always aware of this but we are always exchanging energy with each other, objects in our environment and with nature. In fact, this energetic system is vast, way bigger than our human physical bag of bones. As depicted above, this exchange may be healthy, unhealthy and apathetic for most of us. We have… Continue reading The Energy Exchange

The stories we believe

Humans love stories. We tell our kids stories when we put them to bed, we tell our friends and families stories about funny or dramatic things that happened to us, we are now using various social media outlets to tell these stories to the world. We are also constantly telling ourselves stories. Consciously, and usually… Continue reading The stories we believe

The observer effect

We are such a beautiful stew/melting pot/potpourri of human-karma-spirit-observer-consciousness. Human me is bound to karma, ego, conditioning and generational trauma hurt. If I see myself as human only, the suffering would be unsurmountable! I would live in that place of hell and fire where I would be incapable of holding my own emotions and blame… Continue reading The observer effect

The one person

Once we make self-care and self-love and self-need first and foremost, the path to helping, caring for and loving others in the most authentic way will open up by itself. I have always been someone who has put the safety, comfort, happiness and ease of others prior to mine. I have felt that if I… Continue reading The one person

Drop that ball!

This concept of “dropping the ball”, is all too familiar in the Western world. We are taught quite early on that no matter what, we mustn’t drop the ball. We must keep it together and fulfill all our roles and responsibilities to the fullest of our capacity, no matter what. What if we did “drop… Continue reading Drop that ball!

The Four Pillars I lean on

The four pillars I lean on in my life are these- Awaken, Trust, Transform and Live. Awaken to “this, here, now”. The present moment is all there is. This is where life has brought me the experience I need to observe. I am only here to observe the experience. Awaken to what is here now.… Continue reading The Four Pillars I lean on

The Inner Holy Trinity

My inner self has this beautiful holy trinity, my Spirit, my adult human self and my inner child. My inner child has conditioned with ego growing up, this child has listened and believed everything that their adult caregivers have fed them growing up. This child is easily afraid and often feels scared and alone. Often… Continue reading The Inner Holy Trinity

So much more than a physical box!

I want you to think of a box, something you ordered that arrived in a box, something someone sent to you in a box. This box, has a shape and size and depth. However as adults were are more interested in the items in the box. Whereas children mostly care for the box. If this… Continue reading So much more than a physical box!

Space between

The above image is from one of my favorite paintings. Mostly because it has a thousand different ways of viewing and interpreting and also because I was able to bask in its presence a few years ago. It was a magical experience. Call me insane, but I felt Michelangelo himself present there in spirit, and… Continue reading Space between