Diana’s platter project

https://www.instagram.com/tv/CblCCGEoN-k/?utm_medium=share_sheet check out this post by my dear friend Diana Mayorga about how we fill our platter and asking why I have certain things on my platter. I have posted before about dropping that ball, its a similar yet more powerful analogy of truly letting go of those things no longer serving us, yet continue… Continue reading Diana’s platter project

The anxiety gap- Eckhart Tolle

In his book The power of now, Eckhart Tolle discusses the origin of fear. In the picture above, these lines especially jump out at me- “You are in the here and now, while your mind is in the future. This creates an anxiety gap”. While this may sound simple, its that one thing that keeps… Continue reading The anxiety gap- Eckhart Tolle

Healthy boundaries

I recently listened to a fantastic webcast by Dr. Gabor Mate’, wherein he talks about healthy boundaries, what they represent and how to set them. He likens a healthy boundary to our immune system, where this is the personal protection from toxicity. If our immune system were to breakdown, our physical body would be exposed… Continue reading Healthy boundaries

Happiness is…

What is this thing called happiness? While it feels like everything we do in life is so we may find/be happy, have a happy life; how many of us truly examine what happiness means to us. Happiness can be described as a good feeling, or a feeling of joy and calmness. But in all honesty… Continue reading Happiness is…

Our Karma Debt

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we carry Karma debt from one life into another. If like myself you believe that we re-incarnate over and over, same spirit different body or dimension, you will know that how we live our life as humans adds or takes away from this Karma debt. What this means… Continue reading Our Karma Debt

Inner coach/mentor

Just as athletes have coaches, TV personalities have agents or managers, we too have an inner coach, and inner mentor. Similar to any coach/mentor, this inner coach has one singular purpose and that is to cheer on and motivate the human being it is responsible for. Its the voice in our “gut” or “heart” or… Continue reading Inner coach/mentor