Are you listening and believing that inner voice of self-hate? The same one that says you are “not enough, not good enough, not doing enough, must do more”, etc. How do you stop listening to this voice? what are your tools? What do you listen to instead? Once I discover I am in this self-destructive… Continue reading “Not good enough”
Category: Uncategorized
Reinforce a loving inner narrative
All of us have several inner narratives. Ones that tell us we are good and happy and doing a great job, and others that tell us we suck and that everything is crap. In my previous posts I have discussed how it helps to be mindful in which we subscribe to. When loved ones hellbent… Continue reading Reinforce a loving inner narrative
Silent quitting
We are all quite aware of the phenomenon of “silent quitting”. Its when a person has quit in their minds or moved away from the status quo, long before its visible or realized on the outside. This process is common in romantic relationships, friendships, workplaces, community groups etc. In any case its not easy for… Continue reading Silent quitting
The resistance of our inner children
Perhaps the default of living is to be present in this moment in gratitude. To be grateful that our life is safe, healthy, happy and peaceful. Most of us in the 1st world countries have this luxury and privledge. Then we have versions of our inner child- our inner children. These may be children who… Continue reading The resistance of our inner children
What do you subscribe to?
When we want to learn something new or know more about a topic, we subscribe to material that helps us learn about the subject and eventually influences our inner narrative. When picking the subscriptions, and there are many, we have to be mindful that we subscribe to material that helps us achieve our goal rather… Continue reading What do you subscribe to?
Kind in a kind place
I title this post “I can be kind in a kind place”. I realized how susceptible I am to my environment. If I am surrounded by kindness and am nurtured, accepted and engaged with, I can embody all these in return. Similarly, I can be tough and hard when in a a situation which feels… Continue reading Kind in a kind place
Orphaned Responsibilities
Any responsibility that is left unattended or is abandoned becomes an orphaned responsibility. It may be one of the big ones, such as the responsibility of kids, pets, plants, property, agreements, partnerships etc. Or small ones, such as time commitments, and household chore division. Growing up I learnt to automatically take on orphaned/abandoned responsibilities others… Continue reading Orphaned Responsibilities
Nice or Kind?
We are taught as young kids to be “nice”, to our friends, adults, cashiers, teachers and the list goes on. This is in fact a huge flaw and a set up for years of unlearning. If instead we are taught to understand kindness and how it feels to be kind to ourselves and to others,… Continue reading Nice or Kind?
Physical Transformation
In today’s society we are so fixated on physical looks. Advertisers and marketers capitalize on this ego need and provide myriad of beauty enhancing products. Ones that will reverse age and make us look younger, which is associated with prettier- more acceptable. What if we aren’t aging at all, simple physically transforming? Just as we… Continue reading Physical Transformation
Abundance or accumulation?
Examining today all those things which I have accumulated in my life here today- material things, obligations, guilt, shame, habits, responsibilities, patterns, relationships, should-be’s, self-criticism etc. Examining each carefully to determine if are they things I am grateful for, which provide me with a sense of abundance, or are they burdens I bury myself under,… Continue reading Abundance or accumulation?