Carell Mehl

Carell Mehl is a Reiki Master Teacher and Shamanic Teacher, and practitioner, with a strong intuitive connection. She has over 26 years of experience working as a healer and leader in her community. Carell has always had a very strong intuitive sense and always felt the presence of protection and guidance all around her. Her love for the esoteric arts and learning to heal one’s self has motivated her to make a difference on the planet for mankind.

One of Carell’s amazing gifts is to tap into the lifetimes of past –present- future. Carell can help any willing individual eliminate harmful beliefs and patterns and discover lifetimes of gifts, power, beauty and knowledge.

The moment she discovered the power of belief and miraculous healing she searched further and deeper and now is finding that science can back up these magical happenings.

Carell is deeply invested in the Universal Foundation for Holistic Design– which a group dedicated to facilitating a global shift in consciousness.