Breath and ocean waves

Don’t you find that our breath resembles the ebb and flow of the ocean waves?

Stop and notice your breath for a few breaths, especially when you are breathing long breaths, the breathing in and breathing out has the same shape and sound, the same crest and trough of ocean waves.

If none of that resonates, noticing our breathing sure has the same hypnotic mesmerizing feeling of noticing the ocean waves gently ebb and flow against the sandy beach.

In observing my breath I notice also how it resembles manifesting and release. With every breath in, I manifest all that is in my highest good and the highest good, even if it doesn’t align with ego needs. Breathing out, I release all that no longer serves me, was once good to me, but is now no longer helpful, and needs to be let go, so I can make space for all that needs to manifest. Maybe I need to release first and then manifest.

That makes me then think- what came first the inbreath or the outbreath, the release or the manifestation. 🙂