Both must coexist

When we or a loved one feels sad or blue about a situation in life, we maybe tempted to indulge in the positive movement of squashing that feeling with only focusing on all the good and positive there is in our life. While focusing on the positive is a great practice, it is essential it occurs congruently with the sad/blue emotions.

When an emotion is invalidated and masked by another, it becomes hidden, or brushed under the rug as is often expressed. This then becomes the most volatile emotion there is, one that came up and was not validated. It becomes larger and more corrosive the next time around that it appears, and rightfully so, as it wasnt heard/acknowledged the previous few times it was felt.

So next time heavy emotions show up, welcome them in, fully knowing that not all your life is exemplified by this emotion, and that there are some very good parts to your life too. But at this moment, you need to give all your attention to this heavy emotion and hold it like you would a vulnerable baby and shine upon it all the love and attention you can.
