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- Turn away from the mass hysteria
- Discrimination
- Permission on how to be treated
- Choosing discomfort purposefully
- Awareness or Distraction?
- Count your blessings
- The 4 Brahma Viharas- Equanimity
- The 4 Brahma Viharas- sympathetic Joy
- The 4 Brahma Viharas-Compassion
- The 4 Brahma Viharas- Loving Kindness
- “Not good enough”
- Reinforce a loving inner narrative
- Silent quitting
- The resistance of our inner children
- What do you subscribe to?
- Kind in a kind place
- Orphaned Responsibilities
- Nice or Kind?
- Physical Transformation
- Abundance or accumulation?
- Happy NYE 2023-2024
- Comfort and Joy
- Our unique “happy”
- Inner processing of an external life
- Bias and polarization
- Thanksgiving, compassion, being kinder
- Taking it personally or for granted
- Experiencing Abundance and examining scarcity
- Claudja Joseph
- Recognize-Replace-Repeat
- Expiration date
- Ego Conditioning can lead to Acceptance
- Breath and ocean waves
- The LOVE cycle
- Lethe’ and Eunoia’ in the Divine Comedy
- The “should be” lines
- Judgement and compassion
- We’re all mad here!!
- Am I lovable just as I am, or do I need to change to be loved?
- Inner/Outer world we observe to have the human experience
- Spaciousness
- The Hurricane energy
- In between veils and beyond
- Scattered and gathered
- Celebrate everything here and now
- That which wants to grow
- Our life in macro vs. micro
- “Pick your battles”- Walk away from the battles-follow your passion
- The practice of Metta/Maitri
- Limitation or Growth
- Both must coexist
- Anger-the angry person
- Yin Yang- balance
- Grow your inner garden- sow your seeds today
- Self-worth and value
- Experience Quotient
- The Emotion behind Creative mind
- Pace yourself
- Let be, Let go, It is Written
- Self….
- Diana’s platter project
- The anxiety gap- Eckhart Tolle
- Death or transition?
- Healthy boundaries
- Transform into an Elder
- Pain, as assessed by Ego and Spirit
- Entitled or Grateful?
- Happiness is…
- Our Karma Debt
- Inner coach/mentor
- The Human Ego-Spirit scale
- Reflection and Celebration: Happy New Year 2022
- Event + Response=OUTCOME
- Listen to understand
- To be a loving person
- The joy in play
- Sit back, rest with Life
- Welcome in the new curriculum
- We are the Eclipsed Sun
- Humans just need to feel loved
- The inner critic
- The Energy Exchange
- The stories we believe
- The observer effect
- The one person
- Drop that ball!
- The Four Pillars I lean on
- The Inner Holy Trinity
- So much more than a physical box!
- Space between
- Higher Mind-Lower Mind
- Yin Yang-Balance
- Internal itch-External scratching post
- Receive rather than reject
- Attitude is everything
- “How” do you want to live this experience called life?
- Forgiveness
- Who am I? What did I come here to do?
- Reassurance versus self-righteousness
- Change and brain plasticity