Bias and polarization

As humans we naturally tend to lean into a bias or be polarized. Being right is a conditioned pattern learnt early in childhood. Our Egocentricity makes sure we are right, and all else out there must be wrong.

Its a struggle, needing to prove the right versus wrong. Wanting the wrong to change to mimic our right. Its never enough. This unrest and frustration grows into groups which become biased and polarized into this and that, arguing, fighting, then waging war.

Innocent human lives are lost. One’s that do not have anything to do with right or wrong. Lives that simply want to survive and their loved ones to thrive.

In today’s very polarized- war-stricken world. I urge you to examine your own biases, your own polarization. To move toward love and away from hate, sending peace into anyone in the capacity to implement a peaceful political solution.

Choose peace, choose love for yourself and every human today. No matter which side, which country, which faith, which right or wrong they are appearing to be in.