Awareness or Distraction?

In examining my controlling nature in relationships, I find I can be expositional instead of collaborate.

In doing so, I have discovered two ways of being, I can be aware or I can be distracted. When I am distracted, I am scrolling on my phone, or watching uninspiring TV shows or binge eating without being aware of my actions. No good or bad here, perhaps I am tired and my brain needs a break. When I remind myself that I am indulging in a distraction, I am able to turn that distractive activity into something I am aware of and end it when I feel I am satisfied.

When I am aware, I am taking care of my physical body, after all I am the steward of this human body I have been gifted with. I make sure I am eating healthy, moving, stretching, doing strength training, etc. As well as building relationships with myself and others as a compassionate witness (Sharon Salzberg). I am collaborating and asking for help in making decision, as well in having others care for me. All things that I usually do not do.

Do any of these seem familiar to you? Are you living more aware or in a mindless distraction? Would you want to choose one more over the other? why? and how?