An attitude is somewhere between a belief, a stance, a mood, and a pose. If you’ve got an attitude about something, it can be hard to change it because you think you’re right. So its useful to challenge your own attitudes regularly to prevent stagnation.
While there are so many attitude types and classifications, I tend to focus on these two. The winning (win-win; abundant) attitude and the losing (win-lose; scarcity) attitude.
When you live in the win-win attitude, the purpose of your life is to work toward your purpose/personal goals while helping others achieve their goals too. This way everyone enjoys the abundance offered by life. In the losing attitude one focusses on personal wins and others losses, by taking from those who have it, so they lose and you gain.
The beauty in this is that no matter how much is taken from the person with the winning attitude, they are programmed to win, and in time will have it all back again. The person with the losing attitude may take and take from others, but will always end up the loser, surrounded by scarcity.
Analyze this for yourself. Does life feel abundant and fulfilling to you? Do you usually feel happy when others do very well? Or do you secretly want what others have and hope they fail and lose everything? Can you shift the losing attitude to a win-win one?